Stone Assistance is providing several services for the stone industry and is also developing new concepts in partnership with University and private companies in Belgium or abroad.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on our experiences and competences, on the services we are providing for the improvement of the technology for the stone industry, and on research projects for which you could apply in partnership with European partners (Universities, research centers, private companies).
Stone Assistance sprl
Clos des Botteresses 4
B - 4317 Viemme
Stone Assistance SRL
Dr Ir Fabrice Dagrain
+32 (0)494 89 32 51
BE 0546.726.939
Siège social
Clos des Botteresses 4
B-4317 Viemme
Siège d'exploitation - Labo
Rue du Joncquois 53
B-7000 Mons